Wednesday, April 28, 2010

the trouble with grace

in the latest issue of "Been Thinking About" by RBC, Mart De Haan (grandson of RBC founder) wrote:

I find myself thinking often about something my grandfather was heard to say not long ago before his passing. Reflecting on the miles that were behind him, he hung his head and said to a friend,
"The grace of God... the grace of God. If it were not for the grace of God, I'd be sunk."

Amen! if not for the grace of God, I'd be wrecked and sunk.

The bible talks about this unmerited favor. Why would anyone despise it and avoid it? Is it because they don't want people to use it as an excuse to sin willfully and get away with it? Do we really know the true nature and character of God? Can we really use our own carnal and human mind to put God in a box on how He operates?

God is not to be mocked.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

possible for a born again son to fall away completely?

last sunday, I asked lee chay bee who is a humble, down-to-earth, and simple man of god, who believes that a believer will not lose his salvation, a question: what about a believer many years down the road doesn't believe in God anymore, will he still have his salvation? after about 7 seconds of pause, he startled me by responding strongly "it is he who choose not to believe!, not God..." (italic mine)

is it possible to "throw away" a divine salvation just like throwing away a gift toy? is salvation a "state" in eternity regardless of what the prodigal son do?

sin more so that grace may abound?

God forbid!

more from Spurgeon:
"No doctrine is so calculated to preserve a man from sin as the doctrine of the grace of God. Those who have called it "a licentious doctrine" did not know anything at all about it. Poor ignorant things, they little knew that their own vile stuff was the most licentious doctrine under heaven."

wonder if mr spurgeon went out to sin more or was he a godly and holy man of God, you decide

salvation is of the Lord

Something I read from Charles Spurgeon's "A defence of calvinism":
"I do not believe we can preach the gospel, if we do not preach justification by faith, without works; nor unless we preach the sovereignty of God in his dispensation of grace; nor unless we exalt the electing, unchangeable, eternal, immutable, conquering love of Jehovah; nor do I think we can preach the gospel, unless we base it upon the special and particular redemption of his elect and chosen people which Christ wrought out upon the cross; nor can I comprehend a gospel which lets saints fall away after they are called, and suffers the children of God to be burned in the fires of damnation after having once believed in Jesus.
Such a gospel I adhor.

If ever it should come to pass,
That sheep of Christ might fall away,
My fickle, feeble soul, alas!
Would fall a thousand times a day."

alpha in the workplace singapore vision day

Today lunch time attended a reception at the Far East Sq for the alpha singapore vision day. Speakers are Philip Ng of FEO and pastor Richard Loh from Queenstown Baptist Church.

It's comforting to know that one of the richest man in singapore is desiring god, including my ceo.

Pastor Richard Loh said something interesting: our workplace is a holy ground. There is a purpose that God place us in the company we are working, so we are not to take leaving the current job lightly. It is also our mission field where we are urged to do God's will in our workplace.

I'm glad that my ceo is supporting the running of alpha courses in Raffles. I am looking forward to strengthen the alpha team in Raffles so that we can do the second run second half of this year.

Monday, April 26, 2010

where is the gospel?

apostle Paul was preaching the grace of God. This is the gospel Paul preached.

what happened to the many churches today?

why reject once saved always saved?

Bible never teach that believer can lose his salvation though there are some passages that the opponents of OSAS use to support their views that salvation can be lost. They say you have to work out your salvation, you have to sort out your salvation, you have to guard your salvation. Anyway salvation is not gauranteed

What is the possible psychology behind this? My own guess is:

1. Self-righteousness. They walk in the light. They don't sin (do they?). They serve God. They attend church every sunday. They tithe faithfully. They serve in various ministries. They do good. They obey the law (all of them?). So they deserve and are qualified to go to heaven because they bear all kind of fruits.

So anyone deem (by this people) not to bear fruits will be cast into the lake of fire.

If they bear few fruits or no fruits at all (possible not to bear any fruit at all?) how can they also go to heaven also? That's not fair at all! They cry foul. God is just and fair, how can God also allow them to go to heaven!

2. Ignorant of the truth. For some reasons, they were being brought up in a church where they were taught the theory of conditional salvation. They have no assurance of their own salvation. They have to "work" to maintain their salvation.

3. They afraid that once they believe in this doctrine of OSAS, christians will become lawless and go out sin. They fear that Apostle Paul's teaching of radical grace will lead to lead to license to sin.

Where is Jesus Christ? Why are they under-estimating the power of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit?

john bevere-false teaching

In one of the "hour" chapter, he says Law is legalistic and Grace is lawlessness.

You know what, Satan hates the word "Grace" and the devil doesn't like to hear the word "Grace" He will do anything with great sutlety and deception to blind people especially christians.

mr john bevere needs to be reminded that he is saved by Grace alone. He is just like me, a filty rag who doesn't deserve anything from the Holy God except death. But, by Grace alone (without work lest we boast) we have the righteousness of God in Jesus Christ. The blood of Jesus has redeemed us from the curse of the law. We have a secured and irrevocable eternal life as we are one with Jesus Christ, and the work at the Cross cannot be undone.

What is john bevere's state of slavation? How sure is he about his own slavation? Since he doens't believe in the doctrine of eternal security or once saved always saved, then I presume that he beleives it is possible for him to lose his slavation before he die on earth. However, if in his heart he feels that he will never lose his salvation as he thinks he is righteous, does not sin against God, and doing all the good work for God (such as his ministry), then can I safely say this is the mindset of a typical pharisee?

Saturday, April 24, 2010

running from God

Predestined to be child of God before the beginning of the world.

Between 1977 and 1978 I was "enabled" to respond to the call of salvation during a weekly assembly at Anglican High School. There was no sermon of any sort from Jonathan Edwards or Charles Spurgeon. The response (standing up, not raising of hand) was proof of a divine election that comes with free choice. Free, because I was running from God from the next day. But I was sealed from that faithful day and Father has never forsaken me and He hold to his promise that I will never perish or not be snatched out of the His hand.

I was faithless yet He remains faithful.

Along the way, I let go of my Father's hand but He never let go of His.

The day I become a child of God, Satan has earmarked me for great temptations.

For my disobedience, God chastised me, not because of his fury, but out of His compassionate love.

Father long for His his sinful but beloved son to turn around.

This is Grace. By Grace alone, through faith in Lord Jesus Christ, the only begotten Son of God.

a prodigal son

Greatest parable of Jesus. All of grace. Grace alone. Nothing else.