Saturday, April 24, 2010

running from God

Predestined to be child of God before the beginning of the world.

Between 1977 and 1978 I was "enabled" to respond to the call of salvation during a weekly assembly at Anglican High School. There was no sermon of any sort from Jonathan Edwards or Charles Spurgeon. The response (standing up, not raising of hand) was proof of a divine election that comes with free choice. Free, because I was running from God from the next day. But I was sealed from that faithful day and Father has never forsaken me and He hold to his promise that I will never perish or not be snatched out of the His hand.

I was faithless yet He remains faithful.

Along the way, I let go of my Father's hand but He never let go of His.

The day I become a child of God, Satan has earmarked me for great temptations.

For my disobedience, God chastised me, not because of his fury, but out of His compassionate love.

Father long for His his sinful but beloved son to turn around.

This is Grace. By Grace alone, through faith in Lord Jesus Christ, the only begotten Son of God.

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